Standards Of Humanitarian Assistance
While the world may seem like a very brutal place to most of us post-modern human beings, there is no denying that in this world, man has created certain laws to protect the humanity from itself and from abuse. Whether these laws are followed exactly or not is another question, but just the fact that these laws exist is an achievement in itself. Important aspects of life in which these laws are applied are to citizens of the world that are affected by natural or man-made disasters, wars, displacements, etc. In the international community, there is a big space for humanitarian law which dictates that every human being has the right to be protected and live with basic dignity such as access to shelter, food and catering to basic physiological needs. On the basis of this principle, humanitarian aid is given out and regulated.

The biggest concern in disasters is to provide immediate relief to victims. This includes shelter as one of its main components. The basic function of providing shelter is to ensure survival; it is also necessary for protection from climates and other factors, personal safety, encourage growth, provide resistance from illness and diseases. Shelter and other associated non-food items help promote survival, self-sufficiency and self-management of individuals and communities. Any such strategy also includes the maximum utilization of local and natural resources to rebuild communities and promote well-being, where it is possible. Many things and activities come under this banner such as thermal protection. Thermal protection is necessary for survival, especially in colder and harsher environments. All of these factors are decided by the extent of the disaster and the damage it has caused.
Because these laws are in place, they also mention to quite an extent, the standards to which shelter and non-food items must comply. These standards include certain scenarios and all products manufactured around the world comply with them. For example, for the items to be distributed or the solutions to be reached when it comes to shelter and settlement, the affected populations must first agree and it should meet their needs as well. Relevant local authorities also need to be informed of these facilities. The facilities must be safe and adequate and provide necessary protection and remain durable till the needs are met otherwise. These laws ensure that whatever help is provided internationally or locally at least complies with basic human rights and protection.