How To Help Disaster Victims In Setting Up Refugee Shelter And Other Needs
While anthropogenic disasters can be stopped and should be stopped for maintaining peace and harmony in the world, no natural disaster can be stopped by humankind. It’s the natural disasters that result in sudden destruction and ruins the infrastructure.

During and after any disaster whether it is an anthropogenic incident or a natural one, there are a number of ways through which the affected people can be given relief and helped and some of these are as follows,
Quick accommodation:-
Although, nothing can be done regarding natural catastrophes but what can be done by the authorities or the people living in safe areas is to set up quick refugee shelter for those who have lost their homes or who had to flee their areas to safer grounds to remain alive.

Provide food:-
People affected by disasters may not have eaten anything for hours or days as they may have to leave their homes in search of safe areas. To counter their condition of starvation they must be fed with food as quickly as possible.
It may also happen that in case of earthquake, tornado or hailing the damages in the infrastructure may have injured the people trying to flee. Or while on their way to safe areas or the migrant camps they might have injured themselves, so they must be given first aid instantly and any medication if available.

If needed, they must be sent to the nearby hospital of the safe areas.
Bring a victim family home:-
If you got a spare room or portion of the house that you don’t normally use, offer it to an affected family who don’t have any other place to go. Keep them in your house until the crisis situation is over and they are able to maintain their house or the authorities have done it for them.
Monetary help:-
Volunteers or in fact anyone can collect money and raise funds for these affected people to set up their refugee shelter for them, buy them clothes according to the season, foods and clean drinking water, and other innumerable needs of these people to make them feel at ease.
Monetary help is also necessary as they have to maintain or rebuild their houses and areas from where they belong.