7 Basic Needs Every Relief Supplier Should Take In To Consideration
Every region affected by a natural calamity is in desperate need of basic needs to be provided. There are a number of items that need to be supplied to the affected people to assist their survival in these harsh times. There are a number of items and services that are needed by the people and rendered by the agencies which are as follows,
Food and water:-
Clean water and enough food is the main necessity that should be given to the affected people. It is important to be aware of the eating habits of the affected people for the team or agency involved in delivering of food items.

Cooked or packed food:-
Another important thing to keep in mind is that raw or uncooked materials are not going to help them as they may not have any cooking facilities. Plants of water purification should also be given if bottled water cannot be provided. Relief supplier agencies should also keep in mind to provide food items that don’t get rotten fast. Dry food is mostly provided in the initial stages days of rehabilitation.
Tents and quilts:-
After food and water tents and quilts are most significant necessities of the people. Quilts, tents, and sleeping mats are important for them to hide their heads, spend nights, give them protection and to stay safe in all climates. These things should be provided to them on urgent basis and the people need to be cautioned to take care of these main items. It becomes very hard for agencies and authorities to provide these things for the second time because the demand of these things is already high in these disastrous situations.
Mosquito nets:-
Although, mosquito nets may not be needed in all the countries and regions but there are some areas of the world their importance and needs grows tremendously. In areas prone to mosquitoes these nets and mosquito repellents become a mandatory thing to be provided to protect the people from the attacks of dengue and malaria.
First aid kits and medicines:-
Medicines of common ailments like fever, cold, cholera, pain, diarrhea, vomiting, allergy and flu etc should be provided to the disaster affected people. The agencies should also be equipped with sedatives to counter cuts and bruises of the affected people. Products like disinfectants, gauge and cotton to clean and dress wounds of the suffering people are also necessary.
Sanitary kits:-
Sanitary and hygiene items should also be delivered amongst the affected people especially females. It may not be possible to afford and supply disposable sanitary kits to a large number of camp residents so they should be asked to use water. Aiding agencies will prioritize to deliver reusable sanitary napkins to the females because providing disposable units is not possible time and time again. Diapers for children may also be in less quantity due to their heavy demand.
Other important non-food items:-
Buckets, water storing utensils, solar lights, clothes, shoes, dust bins, mugs, house hold utensils, manual or automatic fans and lots of other items should be provided by relief supplier agencies or local authorities. Every tent or family should be provided brooms and other cleaning stuff to make the tent and area neat and clean.